
Pearls of nutritional wisdom, by Andy Bellatti

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People who drive faster are maniacs. People who drive slower are slowpokes. And I, of course, drive just right.

That thought group is why I hesitate to (over)praise the deep and whole wisdom of Andy Bellatti's guest post for Fooducate — the reason I like it so much is that he says things I say.

Assumed: What we eat actually matters

This is another entry in my “assumptions” series, in which my intention is to discuss one of my underlying assumptions definitively, so the next time I feel the need to veer away from a post’s point at hand to provide full background, I can just link to the full thought and let others veer, if they choose to.

Assumption: What we eat actually matters.

Which group gives best nutritional advice? None of the above

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I was fascinated by the simple question put out recently by — “Who is best qualified to provide nutrition counseling? RDs? MDs? a CNS? You or me?” — because I’d have to say: As a class, at least, none of the above.

What a shocking realization: We got nuthin'!

Cookies are still cookies, no matter what you say about them

Mom instructed me that if you can’t say anything nice, to not say anything at all. But at least one corollary just doesn’t hold up, as exemplified by an ad for cookies that Dr. Yoni Freedhoff highlighted on his blog.

Taco Bell peddles crap, as usual

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When I saw the tweet a few mornings ago that Taco Bell would offer healthier fare, I RT’ed in a knee-jerk way, celebrating it and even claiming it as progress against the flood of food-like substances.

In a window-dressing sort of way, it was progress. Taco Bell puts sugar in its meat and is the contemptible promoter of “fourth meal,” so even if they're only flapping their gums about healthy food, it acknowledges that not everyone wants to eat total crap.

We took nothing out, except the stuff we took out!

I have acknowledged my possibly self-defeating urge to bring attention to bullshit that deserves no attention (see: every post I’ve ever done about the liarly named Center for Consumer Freedom (no link, intentionally)). But here I go again.

How McDonald's claims full disclosure without any fallout

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*Love* this, from Fooducate:

McDonald’s makes it VERY HARD for you to understand [its new chicken wrap's] nutritional information. (Word of the Day: Obfuscate – (v) Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible). McDonald’s is obfuscating its menu’s nutrition information in several ways. To see a product’s nutrition facts panel, one must download a PDF. To see the ingredients list, one must download another PDF.


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