Amy Bauman: "Think about the surrounding community"

Another in a series of miniprofiles of sustainability-minded people who are working to reduce humankind’s footprint on the planet. To recap, they're "mini" not only because they're short, but because all the questions are 10 words or less, and the answers are requested to match. Please, no counting. 

AMY BAUMAN, Somerville
Owner, greenGoat

GreenGoat helps contractors and architects pare building-material waste, in part by repurposing what previously would have been discarded. “If we need to write specification language, we do that. If they need a waste management plan, we do that. And if the building owners need us to help them get the downstream vendors right, we do that too,” Bauman says
Green epiphany: "Watching a dumpster leave my own house filled with things I knew were useful."

Green hero: "My neighbors, who put our their blue bins rain or shine."
A recent addition to greenGoat's portfolio: "Helping contractors reclaim landscaping. We now save plants, in addition to building materials."
An example of greenwashing that really bothers you: "A few days ago, some large pickup truck maker was claiming it was the greenest 'in its class.' I just kind of sat back and laughed. Utility vehicles have a long way to go before they’re green, but that’s not why we would buy one."
Tell me something most people don’t understand: "That you don’t have to do everything, today, right now, and no one’s going to judge you if you don’t live and breathe this stuff. You have to make it work for you."
A bit of deconstruction wisdom: "Think about the surrounding community when you’re planning where things could go. Make it a little more personal. Think about the church down the street."
Something reused at your house: “Architectural plans … as wrapping paper and message pads.”
Technology you’re most hopeful about: "Power generation by tidal power."
The one thing you wish everyone would just get right: "Non toxic cleaning materials."
What’s a question I should have asked you? "Name your most beautiful failure."
And your answer? "There were some really great industrial doors that we wanted to give away out of a Fort Point warehouse, and the building owner’s lawyers got in the way because of lead paint."
Are we going to make it? "Yes."
Can you expand on that a little? “Every species evolves, we’re no different.”

Author and wellness innovator Michael Prager helps smart companies
make investments in employee wellbeing that pay off in corporate success.
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