Game changer?

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I can't cite a source, but I remember "learning" when I was a kid that an early-20th-century Farmer's Almanac predicted that soon enough, the streets would be made impassable by all the horseshit from all the horse-drawn carriages. What the writer didn't envision, of course, that an unseen development would change the course of everything.

“… Feelin’ so holy …”

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It's a snippet from the Tom Waits song, "Ol' 55," and for the second time inside a year, it comes to mind to as a means to express. Yesterday, I finally did something. For way too long, I thought about acting in defense of the planet, and perhaps would engage people in conversation about it — and even then, "hectoring" them would too often have been a better description — but my actions lagged far behind.

Saturday at the Hynes

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Long time readers will recall a post headlined "Tent blogging" from my trip this summer, when of course I couldn't post without signal, but I could write in a tent, and hey, what a world, y'know? So now I'm convention center blogging, at Down 2 Earth, the consumer-focused green living show this weekend in Boston. And here, they have signal, and I can post immediately.

So how does it feel from your side of the transaction. So far, I mean?

Practicing what they present

It would be pretty laughable if the folks behind this weekend’s Down 2 Earth consumer expo were driving Hummers to and from the show, leaving the lights on all night and the heat on all day at their palatial Boylston Street suites. But no, organizers say they’ve tried to practice what they’re presenting tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday at the Hynes Convention Center. Here’s some of what they’re doing:

Power trivia

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In Colorado, it's illegal to harvest rainwater, because someone downstream owns the rights to that which falls from the sky.

In California, almost 20 percent of electricity goes to the treatment and delivery of water.

Nationally, public water systems use 50 Billion killowatt-hours of electricity to operate.

Coal, the "alternative fuel"

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I cannot imagine a single person outside the coal industry who is enthusiastic about coal. Never mind enthusiastic — I cannot imagine any thinking person with a direct financial interest having any toleration for doing anything whatsoever with coal other than leaving it in the ground, undisturbed, forever.

I know that the president refers to our country as the Saudi Arabia of coal, but a) he's completely co-opted on any traditional-energy topic, and b) he's ... well, I'll just leave it at a).

How green are you?

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I believe I got this from the MLEV, the Mass. League of Environmental Voters, prior to the BE'08 opening session Tuesday night. And yes, I'm partly showing off, 'cause G and I scored very well, if you know what I mean, though I don't take enough public trans., and we could buy more local foods and make it more of a priority. I would ask anyone reading to pick one out as a goal, regardless of how many you get:

How green are you? 

1. Do you use pesticides on the lawn? 2. Do you take your own reuseable bag to the grocery store?

Perspective as a killjoy

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Georgie has been steadily promoting the concept of our moving to western Mass., for a less expensive, potentially less hectic existence that would also put us in the same neighborhood with Doug, her attractive-in-every-way brother, and his family.

I see the potential advantages, and Doug, Val, and the girls are right at the top of the list, but one of the other attractions for me was the opportunity to build our own house, which would incorporate every possible (read: affordable) efficient/renewable strategy.


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